It doesn’t matter whether you’re a concerned parent who doesn’t want to see your child’s teeth destroyed over the course of a few weeks or are looking for ways to keep your own smile healthy and pearly white. Our team at Prairie Dental Group in Eden Prairie realizes individuals still want to enjoy the tastes of the holidays. Therefore, we compiled a list of treats that are better for your teeth than most seasonal sweets.
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Choose dark chocolate chips that contain less sugar. For a boost of vitamin C, which is critical for healthy gums, try substituting unsweetened applesauce for the sugar in a 1:1 ratio while decreasing the wet ingredients by ¼ cup. Or opt for a sugar-free sweetener, like Stevia, instead of sugar.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes contain many tooth-strengthening nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and protein. Its antioxidants will also help your mouth fight off infection in your mouth. This nutrient-dense food is wonderfully versatile. It is delicious roasted, grilled, cooked in a skillet, or baked. For example, a low-sugar sweet potato pie or casserole, or even baked whole, is a filling holiday treat.
Honey Almond Cookies
Almonds are high in protein and calcium. These nutrients are necessary for strong teeth. Plus, the honey is sweeter than regular sugar so you’ll need less honey than you would sugar to achieve the same level of sweetness.
Yogurt Parfait
Yogurt provides high amounts of calcium, phosphorus, and protein, as well as gut-healthy probiotics. Layer a low-sugar yogurt with fresh berries or bananas for a yummy holiday treat that is both refreshing and attractive. Chopped nuts or a low-sugar granola can provide additional nutrients and a satisfying crunch.
Keep Your Smile Merry & Bright with Preventive Dental Care
You don’t have to eliminate all sources of sugar, but be sure to enjoy them in moderation. For some recipes, you can often decrease the sugar by ⅓ or substitute other ingredients to make them just as delicious but more teeth-friendly. And as always, remember to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, floss daily, and visit us for routine checkups and cleanings. For additional help keeping your mouth healthy and cavity-free, schedule an appointment with Prairie Dental Group. We serve Eden Prairie, MN, and the surrounding region.
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